Release Notes – Version 2

imDocShare v2.0

imDocShare SharePoint app

New Features

  • Co-Authoring
    • Users can now Co-Author Microsoft Office-based documents. Currently supporting docx, xlsx, pptx. Requires Microsoft OneDrive.
    • All temporary files created by the Co-Authoring process will now be placed in a folder called “imDocShare” in your OneDrive instead of at the root
    • Added more explicit errors in the Start Co-Authoring process which used to silently fail (for example: if there is a OneDrive permission error)
  • Compact Mode for Normal View is a streamlined way of stripping down the webpart to its most basic features. Important for putting webparts on pages that already have existing webpart content
  • Click Behaviour: Users can now choose between default (navigate to and 2 other options based on their preference and available iManage Features.
    • Option 2: Opens document in iManage work client desktop app.
    • b. Option 3: Simply downloads the documents onto your local machine
  • Export: Added ability to Export WebPart Views to Excel
  • Bulk download: Users can now select multiple items to download at once
  • View Types: Added 3 new view types: My Checked-Out Files, My Matters and My Emails which focus on user-specific content, similar to My Recent Documents, and My Favourites. These views are now included as default personal tabs in Teams as well as being selectable view types in the config builder

Config builder updates

  • Numerous usability and UX improvements in the Config Builder. The Config Builder should now be the go-to solution for quickly and easily creating a new view for all users. More technical users can still edit the Config JSON for more granular control
  • Added a popup config builder for environments like SharePoint Online & SP 16
  • Added login types such as O-Auth, Custom Login, and Impersonation
  • Added support for retrieving custom column values from iManage. Added Dynamic column retrieval for the regular config builder. Users can now authenticate with iManage on the Config Builder to retrieve their custom columns to include them in the list of column properties to display
  • Source ID querying added to the Config Builder, Column querying improved
    • Instead of searching for container IDs in iManage, the Config Builder now offers automatic source ID querying.
    • Users can choose the source workspace or folder and choose main or sub-containers to set as their primary source.
    • Column properties dropdown will retrieve all the default and custom columns each time they use config Builder
  • Added option to sort contents by default (ascending and descending order)
  • Added source-specific column selection for Tree view
  • Added hierarchical view for the source retrieval dropdown to make it easier for users to discern between similarly named containers
  • Added new config option: Default sorting based on profile attribute (column) values retrieved from the cabinet

Other updates

  • Users can now choose to return results from the entire cabinet (current) or only from the root container and all sub-containers
  • Search & content
    • Search will now display the current container that will be searched as placeholder text in the search box
    • Search behavior options: “Search All” will include all metadata content including document content. “Search current View” will only search on existing metadata columns. Neither search option can expand the search scope beyond the chosen primary source
  • UX / UI improvements
    • Resizable columns: Users can now drag columns to resize them in the main table display for all views
    • Re-orderable columns: Users can also drag & drop column names in the Config Builder to re-order them
  • The Tree view can now optionally display parent container info in the Tree Navigation bar to avoid confusing containers with the same or similar names
  • Tree view will now word-wrap names on the left side navigation panel to facilitate longer titles and parent container info
  • Enhanced search in Tree View to support searching within multiple containers
  • Added Drag & Drop functionality on the table itself instead of just the upload square. Users can now drag the content directory to the table to execute upload. Also, users are now able to drag and drop 1 or more emails from Outlook directly into our imDocShare app
  • Bulk tasks update
    • All Bulk tasks (bulk download, bulk drag & drop) will now display a status panel and report indicating which specific operations succeeded and failed
    • Users are now able to download an error log file for 1 or more failed operations to help diagnose issues
  • Bulk tasks update
    • Remove “checked out” status (current)
    • Upload a newly updated document to replace the current
    • Create a new version (the above option + advance the document version number)
  • License Expiry Information: If the customer license expires at any point in time while using imDocShare, users would be prompted with an error message immediately.